Interest Rates - Loans and Advances

Interest Rate Effective From 1st Chaitra 2081 (14th March, 2025)

A.     For Individual Borrower availing Term Loan 

Fixed Interest Rate Floating Interest Band 
Credit Facilities Up to 7 Years
Housing Loan 9.00% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Vehicle Loan  9.00% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Hire Purchase 12.50% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Education Loan 11.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Flexi Loan 11.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Professional Loan 11.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Future Lease Loan 12.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Retail Space Loan 11.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Loan against consumable goods 12.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Loan against Pension 11.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Advance against Life Insurance Policy 11.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Agro Loan 11.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Deprived Sector 11.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%

B.     For SME Loans

Credit Facilities Fixed Interest Rate Floating Interest Band
Up to 5 Years
WC-CC/ STL/ DL/ TR BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Term Loans (Below Rs. 100.00 Lacs) 9.00% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Term Loans (Rs. 100.00 Lacs and above)  11.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Margin Lending/ Share Loan BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Deprived Sector 11.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
USD denominated FCY loan BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Loan against liquid assets (FDR, Govt. Bond/ National Saving Bond) Up to 2% above coupon rate

C.     For Corporate Loans

Credit Facilities Fixed Interest Rate Floating Interest Band
Up to 5 Years
WC-CC/ STL/ DL/ TR BR+ 0.50%  to  BR + 2.50%
Term Loans 11.99% BR+ 1.00%  to  BR + 3.00%
Margin Lending/Share Loan BR+ 0.50%  to  BR + 2.50%
Deprived Sector (Others/Institutional) 11.99% BR+ 0.50%  to  BR + 2.50%
USD denominated FCY loan BR+ 0.50%  to  BR + 2.50%
Loan against liquid assets (FDR, Govt. Bond/ National Saving Bond) Up to 2% above coupon rate


Credit Facilities Floating Interest Band
 Short term Demand Loan BR +  up to 2.00%
  • Relaxation of 1% in ROI shall be extended to Senior Citizens, Dalit, Mukta Kamaiya, Baadi, Haliya, war victims, single women and disabled individuals under Deprived Sector Loan.


  • Interest rates on consortium loans shall be as per consortium decision.
  • Penal [email protected]% shall be applied in irregular/watch-list/ NPA account.
  • The variance on interest rate between same nature loans shall not be greater than that is prescribed by the regulator.

Base Rate Applicable : 5.63% (For Falgun 2081 – Average of last 3 months)

Base Rate:  5.42 % (as on Magh 2081 end )

Spread Rate:  3.97% (as on Magh 2081 end)

Click here to see previous Interest Rate details