
To facilitate trade finance and remittance between Nepal and China, EBL has tied up with Bank of China by opening a Nostro Account. Now Nepalese traders can open LC, Transfer and receive money directly from and to China. This facility also promotes remittance facility between Nepal and china. EBL has already tied up with Standard Chartered Bank, American Express Bank, Citi Bank, Commerz Bank, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Punjab National Bank, and HDFC for the transaction of US Dollar, EURO, GB Pound, Australian Dollar, Japanese Yen and Indian Currency from 12 places in 7 countries. EBL organized an Importer Meet on 11th July 2009 and deliberated on the facility provided by the bank .Detailed discussion were held with regard to import from China and best role which Everest Bank can play. A total of 55 traders having tade with China, participated in the seminar.

In an endeavor to provide banking facilities to large and well spread out sections of the society, we have strived to establish our branches in all regions of the country. In this attempt, we have opened our 32nd branch at Lagankhel which is inagurated by Mr. Kush Kumar Joshi, President, FNCCI.  The bank currently is providing banking services through 50 points viz.  32 branches, 5 revenue collection counters, 13 authorized representatives in VDCs through “Everest- Ghar Dailo Banking Sewa, a branchless banking system.

The bank also inaugurated its 29th ATM at the premises. Mr. Naresh Kumar Shrestha, President, Lalitpur Chamber of Commerce inaugurated the ATM. With the debit card facility the customers of EBL can access over 190 SCT Network ATMs in Nepal and over 2000 PNB ATM locations in India. EBL customers going to India need not carry cash but simply withdraw with EBL Debit cards through PNB ATMs.

As a part of its expansion strategies EBL also plans to open branches at Maitidevi, Thame in Kathmandu Valley and Tulsipur at Dang in the near future. Further as part of “Everest – Ghar Dailo Banking Sewa”, a branchless banking system, the bank plans to extend it to villages near Nepalgunj. The bank believes that its expansion to these strategic locations would adhere to its objective of serving the middle and lower section of the society.

Everest Bank Limited (EBL) started its operations in 1994 with a view and objective of extending professionalized and efficient banking services to various segments of the society. The bank is providing customer-friendly services through its 31 branches throughout Nepal and over 250 correspondent banks across the globe. All the branches of the bank are connected through Anywhere Branch Banking System (ABBS), which enables customers to do all their transactions from any branches other than where they have their account.

In the view to provide more banking service to wide range of customer, the bank has install its 27th and 28th ATM machine in Bhairahawa and Butwal on 29th June 2009. As on date EBL has 28 ATMs. After the ATM services at Butwal and Bhairahawa the visitors at Nepal – India will be benefited.

EBL Debit cards can be used at more than 2000 ATMs of Punjab National Bank, India spread all across India. Similarly, the Debit Card holders of PNB can withdraw their money from any ATMs of Everest Bank Limited. This sharing arrangement has benefited huge Nepalese Population residing in India including Students, businessmen, workers, Tourists to India, who want cheaper ATM facility for withdrawing their money from their Bank accounts in Nepal. Besides cross border sharing, EBL Debit Card is accepted at 304 ATMs of SCT network and over more than 1000 merchant outlets in Nepal. At present, more than 80000 customers of EBL are having EBL Debit Card.

The bank has been offering various innovative products and services since its inception. Currently EBL has launched branchless banking called “Everest – Ghar Dailo Banking Sewa” to serve the people in remote areas. The product has already been launched at 8 villages at Baglung and 6 VDC at Bhaktapur. The bank also has plans to launch the service in Nepalgunj soon.

As a part of its expansion strategies EBL also plans to open branches and ATM centers at Lagankhel, Maitidevi, Thamel, and Tulsipur in the near future. The bank believes that its expansion to these strategic locations would adhere to its objective of serving the middle and lower section of the society.

It is a known fact that banks do not have access to majority of the people living in the village. Thus as a step towards financial inclusion whereby people living in remote village can have access to modern banking system, Everest Bank launched it’s Everest – Ghar Dailo Banking Sewa in Bhaktapur Region on 24th June 2009. Through this system customers can avail banking facility through a biometric enabled smart card and machine. The customers would be provided with a card on opening an account. The card can be accessed for transaction through a machine held with our authorized correspondent located in the village. Thus the customers don’t have to take the pain of going to cities and towns to avail banking facilities.

Currently the facility would be offered through five VDC viz. Nagarkot, Gundu (Ward No-3 and Ward No –6), Dadhikot, Duwakot, Tathali, in Bhaktapur.
The bank has been offering various innovative products and services since its inception. This new product is a revolution in the banking history of Nepal and is a new breakthrough in terms of banking technology. The uniqueness in the technology lies in the fact that even illiterate people can operate their account through thumb impression. The machine reads accounts through biometric data stored during account opening. Thus the operation of the account is safe and secure.

The product has already been launched at 8 villages in Baglung. The bank also has plans to launch the service in Nepalgunj soon.

Modern banking going to every village with telephone connection – for financial inclusion of large number of villagers who have no approach to modern banking.

For the first time in the history of the country Everest Bank Ltd. (EBL) is launching a scheme of branchless banking namely “Everest Ghar – Dailo Banking Sewa” with the help of the latest technology that has been developed and has been successfully tried in many countries including India by Punjab National Bank and other important banks.
It is neither practical nor cost effective for the Banks to open branches in remote villages. However, with the extension of telephone lines on the one hand and development of modern technology and equipments on the other, it is now possible to extend the modern banking services practically to every village where there is a telephone line.
EBL is launching this service in the area connected with its branches at Baglung on 17th June 2009 followed by Bhaktapur in the valley and Nepalgunj in the Terai. With the experience gained, EBL would be extending the services to all its branches.

EBL has 31 branches at the present time and four new branches (namely Lagankhel, Maitidevi and Thamel in Kathmandu Valley and Tulsipur in Dang Dist.) are in the pipeline, which would be operative in the next two months.
EBL would be appointing an Authorized Representative called “Business Correspondent” in the selected villages. After training, such Authorized Representative with the operation of a specialized machine (POT – Point of Transaction Machine) which will be located at his place and which is connected by telephone line with the branch of EBL, will carry out banking transactions like accepting deposits, allowing withdrawals etc.
Each villager with an Account is issued a Smart Card through the help of which the account can be activated in the machine. Since many villagers may not be literate, the machine recognizes any of the ten finger prints in addition to the photograph of the account holder which is in the Card. The Villager – Account Holder can deposit money as well as withdraw money through this Machine.

Thus the money that may be lying with the villagers in their house will now be fully secured since the money will be with the Bank. Further the money will earn interest.
The more interesting feature of this Machine is that if a family member of the account holder wants to remit money to the account holder, this can be done directly by giving reference to the account number/card number.
The villagers will be welcomed to apply for loan for improvement of agriculture, house building, education etc. through the nearest branch of EBL. Once the loan is approved, the disbursement of the loan can take place with the help of the same machine and he can also start repayment the installment and interest of the loan through the machine.

Another important factor is that the normal banking hours does not suit the villagers. Most of them leave home for work early in the morning and come back only in the evening. Since the Authorized Representative of EBL lives in the village, he would be available when the villagers come back home after their work.
The development of a country has direct relationship with the number of citizens having access to the banking. With this almost revolutionary step being taken by EBL the development of villages in the country is expected to take a leap forward.

In an endeavor to provide banking facilities to large and well spread out sections of the society, we have strived to establish our branches in all the regions of the country. In this attempt, we have opened our 31st branch at Surkhet on 8th June, 2009. . Mr. K.K. Sharma, Asst. General Manager, GMR was the chief guest of the event. With the opening of the branch the bank has 31 branches and 5 extension counter all across the Nepal.

The bank has 28 ATM counters. EBL debit card also has access to 190 ATMs in Nepal and more than 2000 ATM locations in India where by EBL customers going to India need not carry cash but simply withdraw through EBL Debit cards.

The bank has recently launched recharge payment through mobiles, whereby EBL customer can now recharge their prepaid NTC (Namaste and Sky phones) through their mobiles itself. This is a service offered for the first time in Nepal.

Everest Bank is the first and the only bank in Nepal to open a representative office in India. The rep office facilitates the opening of the account of Nepalese from the identified branches of Punjab National Bank, India to any of the branches of Everest Bank Limited in Nepal and also facilitate in remitting the funds instantly with a very nominal charge.

It is a well-known fact that large numbers of people from Nepal have been moving abroad and remitting their earnings to the hometown. Thus with EBL’s more than 250 payout location, people can easily remit money to their home town through Everest Remit. Further with Everest Bank, customers can directly transfer money to the account of a person in India just like the way we use the ABBS facility in Nepal.

As a part of its expansion strategies EBL also plans to open branches at Lagankhel, Maitidevi, Thamel, and Tulsipur in the near future. The bank believes that its expansion to these strategic locations would adhere to its objective of serving the middle and lower section of the society.

In an endeavor to provide banking facilities to large and well spread out sections of the society, we have strived to establish our branches in all the regions of the country. In this attempt, we have opened our 30th branch at Kushma on 11th May 2009. With the opening of above branch EBL has one of the largest branch networks among private sector commercial banks all connected with Anywhere Branch Banking Systems (ABBS).

The bank has 25 ATM counters. EBL debit card also has access to 190 ATMs in Nepal and more than 2000 ATM locations in India where by EBL customers going to India need not carry cash but simply withdraw through EBL Debit cards.

The bank has recently launched recharge payment through mobiles, whereby EBL customer can now recharge their prepaid NTC (Namaste and Sky phones) through their mobiles itself. This the a service offered for the first time in Nepal.

Everest Bank is the first and the only bank in Nepal to open a representative office in India. The rep office facilitates the opening of the account of Nepalese from the identified branches of Punjab National Bank, India to any of the branches of Everest Bank Limited in Nepal and also facilitate in remitting the funds instantly with a very nominal charge.

It is a well-known fact that large numbers of people from Nepal have been moving abroad and remitting their earnings to the hometown. Thus with EBL’s more than 250 payout location, people can easily remit money to their home town through Everest Remit. Further with Everest Bank, customers can directly transfer money to the account of a person in India just like the way we use the ABBS facility in Nepal.

As a part of its expansion strategies EBL also plans to open branches at Lagankhel,Maitidevi,Thamel, Surkhet and Tulsipur in the near future. The bank believes that its expansion to these strategic locations would adhere to its objective of serving the middle and lower section of the society.

In an endeavor to provide banking facilities to large and well spread out sections of the society, we have strived to establish our branches in all the regions of the country. In this attempt, we have opened our 29th branch at Kirtipur on 19th December 2008. Mr Anil Sinha, DCM, Indian Embassy was the chief guest of the event. With the opening of the branch EBL has one of the largest branch networks among private sector commercial banks all connected with Anywhere Branch Banking Systems (ABBS).

The bank has 20 ATM counters, including one in Kirtipur and has expansion plans to many more locations. EBL debit card also has access to 125 ATMs in Nepal and more than 1500 ATM locations in India where by EBL customers going to India need not carry cash but simply withdraw through EBL Debit cards.
The bank has recently launched recharge payment through mobiles, whereby EBL customer can now recharge their prepaid NTC (Namaste and Sky phones) through their mobiles itself. This the a service offered for the first time in Nepal.

Everest Bank is the first and the only bank in Nepal to open a representative office in India. The rep office facilitates the opening of the account of Nepalese from the identified branches of Punjab National Bank, India to any of the branches of Everest Bank Limited in Nepal and also facilitate in remitting the funds instantly with a very nominal charge.

It is a well-known fact that large numbers of people from Nepal have been moving abroad and remitting their earnings to the hometown. Thus with EBL’s more than 175 payout location, people can easily remit money to their home town through Everest Remit. Further with Everest Bank, customers can directly transfer money to the account of a person in India just like the way we use the ABBS facility in Nepal.

As a part of its expansion strategies EBL also plans to open branches at Surkhet and Tulsipur in the near future. The bank believes that its expansion to these strategic locations would adhere to its objective of serving the middle and lower section of the society.  

With the opening of this Branch Everest Bank Ltd. (EBL) has the largest branch network among private sector commercial Banks. EBL was one of the first Banks to have all the branches connected with ABBS (Anywhere Branch Banking System). EBL’s ATM debit card has access to not only 150 ATMS in Nepal but also to more than 1500 ATMs of Punjab National Bank in India.EBL has a substantial share in the incoming foreign exchange remittance from abroad. The disbursement takes place not only through its own 28 branches but also through additional pay out locations spread all over Nepal to more than 150 such locations.


The Bank is scheduled to open further branches at Kirtipur in the Valley and Tulsipur in West soon.EBL is the only Bank in Nepal to have a full fledged Representative Office in India duly approved by NRB as well as RBI. The Representative Office among others, facilitates the opening of a bank account in any of EBL’s branch by a Nepalese in India through any of the identified branches of PNB and further facilitates in remitting the funds instantly.