
The message is displayed at the time when your login password is at disabled state. Please take up with nearest branch for the activation of the User, if you know the correct password.

No, you will not receive SMS Alert for changing of Transaction password.

Yes, if you have registered for SMS Alert facility, you will get SMS alerts for all transaction done using Internet Banking.

Transfer of funds is available under the following two options:

a)      Self-Transfer (within your own accounts) 
b)      Third party Transfer (within Everest Bank Limited)

For detail information, please visit

Yes, you can transfer funds within your accounts or other accounts within Everest Bank Limited. These transactions are self-serviced transactions and once done cannot be reversed.

No. In case the accounts are in the same name, it is better to have a single userID so that all accounts can be monitored under single IBS login. However, separate user-IDs be taken in the event of joint accounts.

You may have different accounts, contact branch to make one Customer ID in case the customer-id of the accounts is same, then all accounts would be displayed automatically under the single Internet Banking user id. However, in case accounts are with different types, you may request for separate IBS userID.

Utility bill payments, Esewa transaction, khalti are the other auxiliary services through Internet Banking Services.

Yes, you can save the account information downloaded through Internet Banking on your PC.

Yes, you can access your accounts from anywhere and at anytime provided necessary Internet access is available with you.