The following precautions need to be observed by BOs with respect to instruction slips:
- Ensure that DP issues Debit Instruction Slip (DIS) book.
- Ensure that instruction slip numbers are pre-printed on each DIS.
- Ensure that the demat account number is pre-stamped on each DIS.
- After the DIS has been filled, strike out remaining blank space to prevent misuse.
- Entire details to be furnished in DIS should be filled in properly.
- Issue separate DIS for different instructions such as On Market, Off Market, transfers etc.
- Retain the duplicate DIS, in which DP has acknowledged the receipt stamp; in safe custody.
- Keep the DIS book in proper custody when it is not in use. In case of loss/ misplacement of
DIS, the same should be intimated to the DP immediately. - One should never sign and keep a blank DIS.
- All the holders must confirm any alteration, correction or cancellation made on the DIS with
their signatures.