सेवा शुल्कहरू

ATM/Debit Card Related Charges

1 Card Annual Fee NIL
2 Card Issuance Fee Option  1:  If upfront Payment                 Rs. 1500
Option  2:  If Payment on installment    Rs. 400/- every year for four years
3 Card Re-Issuance Fee
4 Card Replacement Fee
4 Pin Re-Generation Fee Nil
7 EBL ATM Debit Cards used in Other Bank’s ATMs, Nepal Rs.15 per transaction
8 EBL ATM Debit Cards used in ATMs, India Rs.300 per transaction
Rs.50 per balance inquiry
9 Un collected Debit card ATM card destroy charge Rs 200/- per card for each occurrence at 91 days. Branch has to recover charge manually.

Credit Related Service Charges


a)   Loan to Small and Medium Enterprises : – 0.75% of sanctioned Limit
b)   For Corporate Loans – 0.25% of sanctioned limit.

c)   All Retail Loan

Housing Loan/ Home Equity 0.75% of sanctioned loan
Vehicle Loan/ Two Wheeler/ HP loan (with 100% collateral )
Education Loan
All Other Schemes not covered above incl. FOD, FTL, HP loan (w/o collateral) etc.


Share Loan Upto Rs. 500.00 0.75% of sanctioned loan
Above Rs. 500.00 0.25% of sanctioned Loan
Charges for exposures to Government undertakings & PSUs (regular & adhoc FB & NFB limits) For Fund Based Limits 0.25% of sanctioned loan
For Non-Fund Based Limit 20% of the charges as applicable to fund based limits
Deprived Sector Lending  (direct lending) 0.10% however max. upto Rs. 5000.00
Advances against deposits, pension loans and government securities Nil
Loan against LIP 0.25%

d)  Deprived Sector through MFIs

Fresh Sanction
Upto 1000.00 0.50%
Above 1000.00 0.30%

e) Agriculture Sector Lending  (Fresh Sanction)

Agriculture Sector Lending – OD/TL/ DL/TR /TR 0.50%- Upto Rs. 100.00 Lacs

0.25%- above Rs.100.00 Lacs

  1. RENEWAL CHARGE : 20% OF APPLICABLE PROCESSING FEE (AS MENTIONED IN S.NO. -1 ) (Should not be more than 0.15% on any case)

In case of adhocs, the processing charges may be recovered as under:

Facility   Proposed
Fund Base Upto Rs. 500.00 lacs 0.50%
500.00- 1000.00 0.30%
Above 1000.00 0.25%
Non Fund Base 0.40%

Interchangeability/earmarking with the same account shall not attract the above charges.


For enhanced working capital limits, charges shall be levied as above (fresh sanction) on enhanced limit only and renewal charges will be levied on existing limits.


No prepayment charge shall be levied on loan limit uptoRs. 50.00 Lacs. 

  • However, for loan limit above Rs. 50.00 Lacs pre-payment charges shall be levied on the amount pre-paid in case of all Term Loans as under:

 Prepayment Charge for loan limit above Rs. 50.00 Lacs

  • 100% of applicable processing fee if loan is prepaid within 2 years.
  • 50% of applicable processing fee if loan is prepaid after 2 years and within 5 years.
  • 20% of applicable processing fee if loan is prepaid after 5 Years.

SWAP Charge

  • 100% of applicable processing fee on outstanding amount if loan is SWAP within 2 years.
  • 50% of applicable processing fee on outstanding amount if loan is SWAP after 2 years and within 5 years.
  • 20% of applicable processing fee on outstanding amount if loan is SWAP after 5 Years
  • For Prepayment/SWAP of term loan disbursed with fixed interest rate, 100% of applicable processing fee as mentioned in offer letter and agreed by borrower to be charged.

However, no prepayment charges are to be levied in the following cases: 

  • Where the loans are prepaid by the borrowers from their own sources due to change in upward revision in ROI;
  • Where the loans are prepaid by the borrowers due to change in terms of sanction from initial offered terms unilaterally by the banks.

Commitment Charges on are to be levied on annual basis as under:

  • For all fund based working capital limits including Flexi OD limit, commitment charges as given below shall be charged on undrawn portion.
Average Utilization Level Rate of Commitment Charges
Average Utilization Level less than 60% 20% of applicable processing fee (as mentioned on S. No. -1) (Should not be more than 0.15% on any case)
Average Utilization Level 60% & above Nil
  • In case of term loan commitment charge shall be levied at 20% of applicable processing fee on unutilized limit on one time basis at the time of Start of Repayment or Loan Settlement; whichever earlier.
  1. OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES (POSTAL, TELECOMMUNICATION & OTHERS e.g. travelling, consultant fee etc.):

Out of Pocket expenses if any, shall be recovered from the borrowers in addition to the processing fee/other fee in case such expenses relate to the post-sanction stage of the credit facilities granted to the borrowers.
Actual charges (rounded off to next higher rupee) to be recovered in full.
Bank shall not charge anything additional to the customers than its cost for out sourced services through other institutions e.g. CIC reports, Blacklisting, property valuations, insurance etc.

Credit Card Related Service Charges

(A) Fee and charges for Credit Facility Processing

Particulars Charge
Late Payment Charge NRs. 250
Over Limit Fee NRs 500 per month
Auto Pay Failure Fee NRs 250
Statement Copy Fee NRs 100 per copy (First Statement Free)
Limit Enhancement Fee NRs 200

(B) Credit Card Related Service Charges

Particulars Charge
Card Issuance Fee NRs 300
Card Annual / Renewal Fee NRs 500
Card Replacement Fee NRs 300
Card Re-Issuance Fee NRs 300
PIN Re-Generation Fee Nil
Dispute management Fee As per Visa Rule

(C) Credit Card Transaction Charges (Per Transaction)

ATM / POS type Cash Advance fee ATM Bal. Inq. Purchase
EBL ATM / POS NRs 150 NRs 50 NA
SCT Network, Nepal NRs 250 NRs 50 NIL
Visa Network, Nepal NRs 250 NRs 50 NIL
Visa Network, India NRs 350 NRs 50 NIL

डिजिटल बैंकिङ-सम्बन्धित-चार्जहरू

ebanking Section:
CORPORATE EBANKING Registration Rs. 500/-
Annual Charges Rs. 500/-
Reset / Repin generation Rs. 150/-
MBanking section:
OMNI BANKING Corporate Mobile Banking + SMS Alert Rs: 500/-
Individual SMS Alert only Rs: 200/-
Mobile Banking + SMS Alert Rs: 300/-
Mobile No. Modification/linking new account Free
Repin generation Self Reset – Free
Repin generation Branch Service : Rs. 75/-
QR Services:
QR SERVICES Fonepay cross border QR Acquiring payments 1.95% MDR of transaction amount
QR Standee Rs: 113 Per standee
QR Sound Box Deposit : Rs: 1000 (one time)
Monthly Rental Rs: 350
Dynamic QR Rs: 25000.00


Operation Related Service Charges

S. No. Particulars Detail Charges
1 a)  CHEQUE BOOK Cheque Issuance NIL (as per NRB provision)
Stop Payment (cheque) NIL (as per NRB provision)
Uncollected Cheque Book Cheque book destroy charge Rs. 200/- at once after disposal of cheque book at 91 days. The charge shall be taken by system.
b)  WITHDRAWAL SLIP Payment to Literate person Rs. 300/- charge for instance
2 BANK STATEMENT First Time/Audit Purpose NIL (as per NRB provision)
Duplicate Statement
a)  Saving a)  Rs. 10/- per leaf
b) CA/CALL/OD b)  Rs. 50/- per leaf
E-statement (statement through email) Free (through email)
3 BALANCE CERTIFICATE Account operated less than 1 months NIL (as per NRB provision)
Account operated more than 1 month NIL (as per NRB provision)
Free to institutions (other than individuals) once in a quarter for audit purpose only
Reconfirmation Rs. 500/- per request
4 ACCOUNT CLOSE NIL (as per NRB provision)
4.1 ACCOUNT NAME CORRECTTION Rs. 500/- per instance
5 ABBS CHARGE NIL (as per NRB provision)
6.1 Outward Bills Within Nepal 0.15% or Min. Rs. 250/-+Courier Charge
India 0.15% or Min. Rs. 500/-+Courier Charge
6.2 Inward Bills Inward documentary collection (not under LC) 0.15% or Min. Rs. 250/-+courier charges
Cheque/Documents returned Doc. Returned unpaid/ unaccepted: Rs. 1000/- + postal charge
Local Cheque >Rs.500.00 Up to Rs. 5000.00 NIL
Local Cheque >Rs. 5000.00 Up to Rs. 200,000.00 NIL
Local Cheque above Rs.200,000.00 Rs. 16.95 per cheque
FCY Cheque Rs. 16.95 per cheque
Express Session Rs. 113/- per cheque
High Value Cheque Clearing Rs. 113/- per cheque
Late presentment charge Rs. 226/- per cheque
Cheque Return Charges Rs. 226/- per cheque
(with the reasons funds insufficient for Inward Clearing Cheques only)
i)  IPS Charges
Upto Rs. 500/- Rs. 2.26/
 >Rs. 500/- Up to Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 4.52/
>Rs. 5000/- Rs. 9.04/
ii)  Provident Fund Saving (PFDS) and Provident Disbursement (PFSA) Rs.11.30/
iii) Transaction fee for dividend payment amount upto Rs. 100/- Waived
Cancellation/return charge Rs. 113/-
Roll over fee As per Transaction free + 13 % VAT
Auto Rejection Fees Double of above fee + 13 % VAT
Archieve fee Rs. 226/- per transaction
Creditor listing fee Rs. 11,300/- per year
8.4 For ConnectIPS, charges shall be as per charged published by NCHL
8.5 For Interbank Fund Transfer, charges shall be as per charged published by Fonepay
9 FD PREMATURE Premature withdrawal/ Cancellation of FDR a)  Premature cancellation of FD before 3 months, no interest shall be paid upto 29 days.
b)  After 29 days, lowest interest rate on published card rate of Call A/c for deposit period till 3 months.
c)  In other cases, 3% less than the contract date rate applicable for actual period of deposit held with the Bank or Call Deposit rate for FD receipt.
10 FCY note deposit in FCY Account Less than 50 denomination: 0.5% of the face value (as per NRB)
11 Standing Instruction Initial: Rs. 200/- p.a.
12 NRB CHEQUE Issuance Rs. 500/- per instrument
Cancellation Rs. 500/- per instrument
Tax/Custom office Rs. 500/- per instrument
13 GOOD FOR PAYMENT NIL (as per NRB provision)
14 REMITTANCE Cancellation Rs. 250/- per instrument
14.1 DRAFT ISSUANCE Local 0.1% or Min. Rs. 100/-
INR: 0.25% or Min Rs. 350/-
FCY 0.25% or Min Rs. 350/-
Duplicate draft Rs. 500/- per draft
Cancellation Rs. 100/- per draft
Revalidation Rs. 100/- per draft (half year)
Stop Payment Rs. 100/- per one leaf to 200 for multiple leafs + (swift charge if required)
14.2 TT/SWIFT Outward Remittance/TT/Swift Local: Rs. 250/-
INR : 0.2% or Min. Rs. 100/-+swift charge
FCY: 0.25% or Min. Rs. 350/-+swift charge
Inward Remittance NIL (as per NRB provision)
Intermediary bank charge for funds routed through SCBLUS33 USD 5 equivalent NPR
“OURS” charges JPY: NPR 7500 per transaction
Other FCY: As per the corresponding bank’s charge
Inward SWIFT Return Charges Inward SWIFT return charge (INR) INR   2500/-
Inward SWIFT return charge (Other CCY except INR) – USD 50 eqv NPR as on the day of return
14.3 Bi.BI.Ni, Change/Cancellation Rs. 500/- per instance
14.4 SPEED REMIT Saving/Current A/c Holder 0.25% or min. Rs. 300/-
OD/Loan Account holder 0.20% or min. Rs. 200/-
14.5 RTGS Saving/Current A/c 0.25% or Min. Rs. 300/-+RTGS charge Rs. 350/-
OD/Loan Account Holder 0.20% or min. Rs. 200/-+RTGS charge Rs. 350/-
Re-Processing Charge As per Revised Speed / RTGS Remit Charge
14.6 RTGS (Domestic) Morning Exchange 10/-
Afternoon Exchange 20/-
Evening Exchange (Institution) 100/-
14.7 REMITTANCE Third Bank Transfer Charge  NPR 500/-
15 LOCKER Locker Rent Annual Charges Security Deposit
Size A Rs. 2500/- Rs. 15000/-
Size B Rs. 4000/- Rs. 20000/-
Size C Rs. 5000/- Rs. 22000/-
Size D Rs. 8000/- Rs. 25000/-
Size E Rs. 9000/- Rs. 30000/-
Size F Rs. 10000/- Rs. 30000/-
16 ASBA/CASBA Rs. 5/- per application
17 OTHER CHARGES CCTV footage retrieval charge a)  Rs. 500/- per request- view only (required HO approval)
b)  Rs. 1000/- per request- for footage (required HO approval)
No Charge, if request received is from law enforcement agencies (subject to disposal byelaws).
Old document/Record Retrieval Charges a)  Rs. 200/- after 6 months
b)  Rs. 500/- after 1 year
No Charge, if request received is from law enforcement agencies (subject to disposal byelaws)
DR/CR advice (duplicate) Rs. 50/-
18.1 Manager’s Cheque/Pay Order Issuance of Cheque Rs. 500/- flat
Cancellation of MC Rs. 500/- flat
18.2 Other Certificates Advance Payment Certificate Rs. 300/- per certificate
FDI Certificate Rs. 1000/- per certificate
CMS/ECMS Case to case basis upon approval
Any other certificate Rs. 500/- per certificate
19 Bank Guarantee Charges
19.1 Bid Bonds 0.10%pm or Rs.1200.00 per quarter whichever is higher
19.2 Performance Bonds (other than mentioned below in (a) and (b) 0.15%pm or Rs. 1500.00 per quarter whichever is higher
(a) For Exim Code
(i) Issuance 0.15%pm or Rs.1200.00 per quarter whichever is higher
(ii) Amendment  0.15%pm or Rs.2000.00 per quarter whichever is higher
(b) For the submission of      Court/Revenue Tribunal/Legal Dispute 0.25% pm or minimum Rs. 2500.00 per quarter whichever is higher
19.3 Advance payment Guarantee 0.20% pm or Rs 1,500.00 per quarter whichever is
19.4 Financial Guarantee 0.20% pm or Rs. 3,000.00 per quarter whichever is
19.5 Counter Guarantee
(i) Issuance on behalf of EBL customers 0.10% pm or Rs.1500.00 + correspondent bank’s charges +SWIFT charge
(ii) Issuance on behalf of Foreign Banks 0.10% pm or Rs.1500.00 per quarter whichever is higher+other charges
19.6 Shipping Guarantee 0.20% pm. or Min. Rs. 5,000.00 per quarter
19.7 Supply Credit Guarantee 0.10% pm or Rs.1,500.00 per quarter whichever is higher
19.8 Amendments
(i) Amendments in gurarantee not affecting value & expiry Rs. 1,000.00 per amendment
(ii) Amendment in Value and Time Same as issuance charge
(iii) Other amendment i.e. extension within same quarter or clauses of guarantee text Rs. 1,500.00 per amendment
(v) Amendment of Counter Guarantee (EBL Charge only) Same as issuance charge
(vi)  Inward SWIFT amendment charge (INR) INR   500/-
 (vii) Inward SWIFT amendment charge (Other CCY except INR)  USD  10 eqv NPR as on the day of amendment received
19.9 Claim Handling Charge Rs.1,000.00 flat per claim
19.10 Claim lodged but withdrawn on mean time within maturity of Guarantee
19.11 Claim Settlement charge Rs.5,000.00 flat per settlement
19.12 Guarantee Claim Holding Charge / Miscellaneous Charge Rs. 1,500.00 per instruction
20  E-CMS Charges                                            0.10% of transfer amount
21.1 SWIFT Domestic Rs. 500/-
International Rs. 1500/-
21.2 COURIER CHARGES Domestic Rs. 100/-
India Rs. 200/-
Other SAARC countries Rs. 500/-
Other Countries Rs. 1500/-
21.3 POSTAL CHARGES Domestic Same as courier charge except for postal charges for domestic which shall be Rs. 50/-.
Other SAARC countries
Other Countries